Adamo Hospitality gets the Barots on board

The COVID-19 pandemic truly brought the world to a standstill and most affected was the hospitality and travel sector. Thanks to the global lockdown many global operators and investors have stalled the expansion plans. With the economy slowly opening Adamo Hospitality, the hospitality arm of Ajmera group, has decided to look at collaborating and working out an expansion strategy.

One of the first steps taken by the group were to induct the trio Kamlesh Barot (a well known hospitality professional and past president, FHRAI), Pankaj Barot and Rajnik Barot as Directors of Adamo Hospitality. The main aim is to integrate the workings at the group’s owned Adamo hotels in Mumbai, Goa, Matheran and Rajasthan and future owned locations, as well as the upcoming asset-light model fraternizations.

“The strategic plans are to weave the present operations into a professional corporate web, concentrically fanning out the synergy to the existing hierarchical units and bringing more asset-light properties to benefit out of it, we having perfected it from our seven plus decades of hospitality experience, doing just this in the accommodation and F&B space upscale,” said Kamlesh Barot.

This strategic association will see experts and decision-makers of the group to ameliorate the efficacy of the overall business operations of Adamo Hospitality and its endorsers.

Taking this association, a notch higher we aim to collaborate with various other hotels and hospitality chains for outsourcing their complete management control. Like our previous endeavours, when your readers witness our implementations cited as first-mover advancements that are there for the fraternity to follow, every hotel, resort, restaurant owner would like to get the best return out of their investment by emulating it through us in their properties. Why would they pay heavy tuition fees when we’d have perfected every aspect of this business, in our own properties, being owner-operators and not retired personnel from any hotel,” said Kamlesh Barot.

Talking about the COVID crisis Kamlesh Barot feels the virus is here to stay and we humans will have to adopt to the new way of living. “I am reading that the virus mutations will not allow the vaccine even to tame COVID, so this will also become a routine. A few years from now, we won’t find the mask or social distance aspect bothering us. With all these caveats the hospitality scene has to rebound and with full buoyancy, taking the COVID protocols by its stride,” said Kamlesh Barot.


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